Friday, April 13, 2012

(An early post) A Tribute!

Today while my no longer a baby boy was showing me JUST how much he's growing up I decided to make a post on today's happenings, AS WELL as his past 18 months here with us. Thank you for making mine and your father's life better than we could have ever known it would be. I only hope I can love your siblings to come as much as I adore and LOVE LOVE you! 
Today's Happening so far:
I have dealt with more poop than I care to talk about, but for a good cause. Maddix successfully pooped twice on the toilet today! I'm sure I should find a book one how to properly potty train him, but for now we're winging it. Today he also discovered dust particles floating in the sun rays. Since we have LOTS of dust here it was bound to happen sooner or later. He kept reaching for them and I would hit the bed every once in awhile and make more fly into the air.
Afterward we all laid as a family for awhile and listened to different types of music ranging from Piano Man to Hotel California. Once Travis left back to school Maddix and I decided to read together, but Maddix insisted that we HID while we read, so it was time for our first fort since being home.
Oh! And before Travis left to school we had an advertisement pop up a few times on our computer. It was for Disney Land... Maddix was playing in the other room and each time he heard the music start he'd come RUNNING into our room shouting, "An ya! An ya!" Which we have now realized means Disney Land:) He would laugh each time Buzz came one, and say "Peaze!" each time the train rolled on screen. He is a boy after his daddy's own heart; he wants to go SO BADLY! I just love this boy!

Now for the Tribute to the most amazing son I could've ever hoped for in a first born: It will come in a separate post because I just realized the pictures I need are on the other computer:)

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