Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Our First Few days of April

Yesterday: Travis was mostly free from school and finished his last midterm in the morning! So he came home around lunch time
  • Scriptures and family prayer
  • P90 X for Maddix and I (he is getting strong)
  • Had the elders over for Omelettes and Settlers of Catan (Which Trav Dominates at)
  • Had some awesome playtime with Maddix including Hide and seek, coloring, dancing, and cars
  • Something BIG and AWESOME happened
  • That night we held our first ever Family Home evening! It was amazing. We sang Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam and threw Maddix back and forth on every 'beam' portion of the song. Then we watched the fourth session of conference as a family and then ate a quick dinner. 
  • We did a little reading time and put Maddix to bed. And for the first time in a LONG time without it being late, Travis and I enjoyed a movie that he stayed up for the entire portion of and then went to bed by 10:30am. 
So this Big thing that happened: As I may have mentioned before, we have recently purchased a big boy potty seat for Maddix that sits on top of the toilet seat and well... HE DID IT! We've eased him in to comfortably enjoying sitting on the seat into relaxing enough that he allowed himself to pee into the toilet! I made such a big deal of it and gave him a cookie; which he enjoyed! He's getting so big!!

Travis didn't have to wake up and study! And Maddix stayed in bed until 7am! We had a very pleasant scripture reading this morning and then Travis left to school while Maddix and I went about our morning routine. Travis quickly returned home only having one class and I ran across the street to go running with his classmate, Ceena, whom I ran with  the other day.

When I picked up her up I found out that three of the boys decided to come running as well. It was such a blast! Because there were so many of us... and all colored (except muah) we flagged a LOT of stares from the people. Seriously... I thought I was running in a parade the way people jumped out of our way and stared at us. At the end Kohsee challenged me to a sprint and it felt SO GOOD to open up and run as hard as I could! I've been constantly holding back here as to not leave anyone behind, but this time I didn't have too. I really hope something like today's running group forms again.

When I got home Maddix was napping so Trav and I enjoyed some more Settlers of Catan; I'm addicted, I don't want to give it back to the Elders:) Then tonight we had YW/YM.

And also, today Maddix went number two on the toilet!!!! He was just standing in the front room, looked up at me and said, "poop," so I rushed him to the bathroom and he did it!!!! This earned him another cookie, although I probably shouldn't have after what he ate this morning. Ceena was sweet enough to by Maddix a GIANT Kinder egg for an early Easter present and well.. you'll see what happened:
He ripped the egg out of the foil and was eating it before we even registered what was going on
Building the toy that came in the egg
Shoveling it in like he hadn't eaten in days

Annnnddd.... done. In about a minute flat he had half the Kinder egg devoured!
 And those was our amazing two days!

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