Friday, April 13, 2012

The Tribute, part 2

Before you read this one go back and read the previous post. It got split into two posts on accident. :)
The Tribute to Maddix who is now at this moment screaming non stop, so here are some of his CUTER moments:
Pre Maddix 
Birth Day
First Halloween
Blessing Day
First Christmas
Tummy Time
Developing his long lasting love for electronics
First hike up the Y
On the way to Cousin Lucy's baby blessing
4th of July Parade
Daddy's BYU Graduation
New Port Beach, California
Halloween Party at G.G. Wells' house
Birthday party!
In his room at Grandma's
Lovey moment with Mama
At G. Johnson's
First outing in Poland
Our Apartment Building in Lublin
First trip to Germany
Happy 18months my boy! You are an incredible blessing to your mama and papa


  1. Oh these are so cute, very precious indeed. Congrats on the toilet time, that's super awesome. I just finished that stage with the little guy that I take care of in the days. It's a pretty exciting time. Good luck!

  2. Man I can't beLieve how fast the time flies! I can't wait to get Maddox and Mercedes together this summer.
