Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7, 2012

It's hard to think that we've been here a month already. One month. The idea of coming here until this summer seemed so long before but now it seems much closer. March is going to be a long month for Travis; he has midterms for 18classes... yes, 18. But as soon as the month ends he has a week off for Easter break and about half his classes will end, leaving him with a more manageable schedule until June. Throw in some ward family nights, General Conference, spring walks, and before you know it we'll be home. 
Until then, here was the day:
I was cleaning and pulled this out of the closet. Maddix saw it and yelled, "SEAT!" He grabbed his things and instantly camped out in his long lost friend. He also had to drag it room to room with him through the day. 
 You know those nice big forts we build? Well he never really plays in them, just likes the building process. Today I threw his blanket on the chair to get it off the floor and he shreaked, "HIDE!" and hit the ground and crawled under the chair. He discovered he liked it there and stayed for awhile.
Such a fart sometimes, but he just keeps surprising me with how much he's learning everyday. I used to journal all his progress but now it's almost too hard to try and count. I'd probably have an easier time listing the things he can't do at this point. 
Then once again, he didn't want to wake up from his afternoon nap so I went in to wake him and found that he'd stayed up awhile with some contraband items. He is getting so sneaky quiet about getting out of his bed to grab things. The good part is he goes to sleep, and today he read until he fell asleep... nothing wrong with that. 
That was the day. Simple and fun. Especially tonight when I put in Homeward Bound 2 and he plopped in his car seat and was fixated on the cars chasing the animals at the airport. He kept screaming, and yelling, "Ah! Run!" Then he would bark and meow and call for Nala. Travis and I were rolling. Travis said, "ha ha ow wow," and then Maddix kept saying "wow!" with this silly face forever after that. :) Love my boys
P.s. Happy 17months Maddix. My how you're growing so fast!

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