Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Nearly Perfect day

Aside from not having Travis around, or other friends and family members, I imagine today was as close to perfect as a day could get. 
This morning started with me doing my work out and hitting a crashing moment where I laid on the floor and didn't want to keep going. This is when my trainer (didn't realize he was at the time), Maddix, squats down next to me and yells, "come on!" I looked at him trying SO hard not to laugh and jokingly said, " I don't think I can." Well he didn't take no for an answer so he persisted with his, "come on mommy's" until he kicked my butt into shape. 
I take it back. That is NOT how I started my day. I'm forgetting this other thing that happened before I got to work out. This morning I woke up to Maddix sitting on a chair, driving his cars on the table, and a smell filling up the room. I removed him from the chair to find it really wet and Maddix's pants soaked from his morning blow-out. More laundry, same chair from yesterday... time for larger diapers. 
Favorite part of today was when I had Maddix deep belly laughing just before his nap and he was laughing so hard he was crying. What I wouldn't give to have someone filming those moments that I can't be behind the camera for. 
Another great moment was when Maddix discovered yet ANOTHER place to play and hide in :
Travis' Closet
We played Peek-a-boo for quite some time.
Today we also colored a lot and I discovered that I can't leave him alone to color because he likes the fill of the erasers on his teeth and almost swallowed one. But he was VERY into coloring today. He also asked me to read him six or seven books as he fell asleep during nap time. We walked to the REAL to go shopping and when we came out there were no taxi's... that's never happened to me; for a split second I considered stealing the cart and bringing it back later. Instead I just called the cab company and they had one there in two mins tops. When I got back to the apt I realized I had a lot of heavy bags... and a baby... and I didn't quite know how I was going to get them all upstairs. This is when Maddix, on his own, started climbing up this little hill from our parking lot to our door and just led the way for me. When we reached the top I saw Travis across the way just getting home from school :) Such a wonderful blessing to know I'm Always being watched over. 
So then I made dinner while talking to my long lost sister, Mackenzie, had our realtor come over with a plumber to fix our sink and shower, went to rub some "lotion" on Maddix's belly that I bought at the store today... and realized it wasn't lotion after I rubbed it around. I had Mike (the realtor) translate it and it was body wash. Maddix started screaming and I went back to find the rash on his chest twice as large and a much hotter red. He kept screaming like it was burning and I started to panic because both the kitchen sink and the bathroom were occupied with handymen so I pulled out the purified water we had in the fridge and dowsed a towel with it. Then Maddix screamed because the water was SO ice cold. I started to cry and call for Travis to finish because i felt SO BAD for hurting him and grabbed the bag of redmans clay I received as a present for Jenny Steinagel (my second mother) and put it on his belly. He stopped crying so hard and basically sobbed himself to sleep.
Thank you Jenne for sending me with that gift. 
So it was a nearly perfect day. And tomorrow morning when we shower, it shouldn't be leaking, which will hopefully drive away the silverfish that like to dwell in leaks! Hurray! (hopefully)
P.s. Mackenzie, this is the hairstyle I was telling you about that I get out of the shower, let it dry curly, then take my straightener to it and add some pretty curls... just thought I'd show you.


  1. Isn't that the worst feeling when your baby is hurting, and you can't help them?! I never knew how bad rashes could get until Grace got one a little while ago. I love your blog Lace! Keep it up.

  2. Love the hair Lace! It's so gorgeously curly. Those quick/beautiful hair styles are the best.

    Yes Redmond clay has been so wonderful for us too! My mom sent us some redmond clay products last year and I've still got some I use often, mostly on Mercedes. It works great for diaper rashes.

    Goodness Maddix seems like such a crack up. I wish he and Mercedes could play!
