Tuesday, March 6, 2012

...Sometimes it's better to sleep things off...

Maddix spent so much time today in a comatose like state. Whether he was sleeping or not, he wasn't really there. Partly it was because of his teething blues, and the larger part I think is from his late night last night.
I heard him whimpering in his bed last night around 11pm and when I went in I found his diaper at the end of the bed. I made my way up and found a very wet spot on the bed... then I found a naked Maddix crying right next to it. He was so sad.
I got it cleaned up and cuddled next to him while he fell asleep and I discovered he talks in his sleep, rolls like crazy, I mean as if he was awake playing around amounts. He started laughing and stopped. Then laughed again and stuck his hand in the air. It was so interesting I ended up staying in there for a long time just watching all the things he had going on in his sleep.
So when I left the room he woke up and we were up until 1am trying to get to to sleep.
 This little boy slept all through me taking pictures and calling his name. He didn't even stir until I started tapping his cheeks.
This morning I made arrangements to go grocery shopping with Pres. Mecham's wife (Becky) during Maddix's nap time because it was the only time she could go and when we got to the store he was crying so hard, and in between sobs he would choke out the word, "hands... hands..." I felt his hands and they were freezing! I guess that's what I get for forgetting his gloves in 10degree weather. So I made a cushion with my coat, laid him in the cart, and covered him with my scarf. As we walked around the store I made up a story to tell him and he seemed so into it. He was hanging on every word until he fell asleep and I had the most pleasant grocery experience yet. Becky drove us home and we set up some times to get together and I'm really excited.
For dinner we had garlic mashed potatoes, chicken, and salad
Then after dinner Travis escorted me onto the floor and we were dancing when Maddix FREAKED out. He did NOT like daddy being that close with mommy. He screamed and hit Travis. So he was sent to time out. I tried to get a picture of his sad puffy eyes but the moment the camera turned on this is what I got:

I told him he could get down if he told Travis sorry, and gave him a big hug and kiss. Maddix jumped off the chair and ran across the room. Trav put his arms out and Maddix ran right past him. When I told him to go to Travis he fell to the ground screaming. Back to time out
This repeated several times before he ended up bawling on Travis' lap, then gave him a blubbery hug and boogery kiss. He then jumped into my arms and CLUNG TO ME. When Travis and I started dancing again, Maddix began to throw his fit again.. and the whole process started all over again.
SO, we had Travis do reading with him tonight, then they played cars while I cleaned the kitchen, and finally we had prayer and went to bed. My goodness. Apparently we have some things to work through:) Needless to say Travis was a little hurt.
P.s. I received your letter in the mail today Mom, Thank you. I loved getting it and feeling special. Maddix found it and had as much fun with it as I did. Travis thought it was cute and put it up on our entertainment center. Love you.

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