Sunday, March 11, 2012

~Welcome, Welcome Sabbath morning~

A quick apology for not blogging yesterday. My camera died and I was tired.
I also apologize for today's blog because I only have two quick pictures.

Maddix got his hair cut yesterday (by Travis, who did a wonderful job) and now he looks even bigger. I just can't handle how fast he's growing up!
Today the Johnson's had a big day at Church. It started with a sustaining for our new callings: Travis is now the Young Man's President, and I am the Young Woman's President (yes I wrote in singular form). We only have one of each. BUT we had four new investigators at church today! What a blessing... and what an amount of pressure.

Our second big point in church was that we were assigned talks on the Creation today. I felt extremely pressed to scrap my talk last night and rewrite it this morning and I'm glad I did. It's an interesting day for an investigator to go and here all about the Creation... they left with some questions. And Travis wrote a wonderful talk (from what I heard when I wasn't in the hall with Maddix) based around a talk given by Elder Nelson so poor Elder Kennedy had a hard/fun time trying to translate all the large terms that he didn't understand in English let alone to figure them out in Polish :)

Next Maddix had the opportunity to go to Primary! Pres. Mecham's wife is the Primary Pres for her two children and invited Maddix in.... 10mins later he got kicked out. Way to get kicked out of Primary for climbing in the window sill and attempting to jump over and over.... smooth.
And here's my other picture. Do you see that bruise on his ear? I didn't even know the ear could bruise! This just signifies how his life has been lately. I think he got it a few days ago when he close lined himself into our table while running. It could've been when he fell off the bed and hit his head on a metal handle several times, or when he face planted it into the entertainment center. I at least know it's not from today at Church when he smacked his face falling off a chair. No that's what gave him the cut down his nose that bled. And I know it's not from today when we were on a walk and he face planted into the sidewalk after one step.. that resulted in scraped up hands.

We're hoping it's just the teething throwing off his equilibrium because he's been grabbing at his ears a lot. Hopefully he doesn't need glasses :(. Then to top it off, the detergent we have here is extremely harsh on his skin and we have the gentlest kind, so he's been scratching a giant rash on his belly! Poor guy just can't catch a break. But he's fine as long as he's being entertained. 

Other than that, life keeps moving on. Always something around the corner and always too many moments passing behind me. So, we keep trucking on. Loving it here more than ever. Loving our Gospel experience here. The branch is incredible, and the missionaries are doing such a fantastic job. They just baptized someone and are about to extend baptismal dates to some others. Travis was even lucky enough to go teaching with them the other day. He loved it. And tonight we had them over for dinner. Dinner was AMAZING. It was mine and Travis' first time making lasagna. We made a spinach lasagna, salad, and fresh bakery bread... Heaven. There were no leftovers and I think we actually filled the Elders up. They looked they were hurting a little bit when they left this evening. I love having them over every other week. And I loved that lasagna. Wish I had snapped a photo!


  1. Hi Sweet girl, Love reading you adventures everyday. Baby looks great even it he has a few bumps. Your church experiences sound so exciting. Keep up the good work. Love your food displays, they look yummy. Kristy is showing me how to do this so I need to close. Love you all will write later G

  2. Congrats on the new callings...even one YW or one YM needs a leader who loved them and helps them to feel the love of Heavenly Father in their life. As a pair, this could be an incredible youth leading experience!! And Maddix will eventually learn to LOVE primary. In fact, he'll love a lot of things, that you haven't even thought of for him yet! Oh, the joys of Boys! :)
