Monday, February 27, 2012

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful/Delightful

Forgive my post starting with a Christmas Song title, but that just sums today up: We woke up to the gorgeous morning sun bursting through the clouds and thought, 'this is going to be a beautiful day.'
And then about 10 mins later we were having a white out of snow. About 10mins after that, the sun was back.... then it was gone again. All day long in 10 and 15min spurts we would look outside and find either the glorious sun or the snow blowing around with all its might.

Unfortunately my energy seemed to rise and fall with the sun. One minute I would be extremely motivated to get Maddix dressed and go outside to play, then by the time we were ready it was snowing too hard again, and all I wanted to do was just stay inside. We prepared to go out several times today before we realized it just wasn't happening. So instead we:
  • Did some P90 X together: i.e. Maddix pulled his blanket next to my mat where I was laying, laid on his blanket and began to copy the workouts I was doing... until he decided to cling to my legs like a weight as I lifted them up and down; he's so helpful
  • played in the windowsill, which is a new favorite spot for us. 
  • Napped/ I deep cleaned... I will win this bug battle
  • Had some leftovers for lunch with Travis
  • Played, Played, Played the day away and then
  • I put on Cars because Maddix woke up late from his last nap, it was pitch dark outside, and he was fevering again, so he watched his movie on and off while also helping me with dinner
 He kept trying to watch the movie standing right in front of the t.v. and we kept warning him his eyes would get hurt, at which point he'd point to his eyes, then my eyes, then laugh, but finally when we built him a little bed he removed himself from standing so close (just like Lucky in 101 Dalmatians)
Tonight was attempt two of the Broccoli, Cheese, and Potato soup which was the first meal we ever prepared in Poland, and tonight we nailed it!
Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear's portions tonight
Finally, as I finished up cleaning the kitchen I heard a noise that sounded like a dog scratching to be let in, and when I walked in the hall this is what I found:

When I turned my camera on to get this picture, the familiar chime it makes pinged across the hall, and from the other side of the door I heard this, "Cheese" from Maddix who knew I was sneaking a picture of him:)
That was our day, just another day I really enjoyed
P.s. I tried to post this last night when I was talking about Maddix being incredibly silly just before bed, but I couldn't get this to load... so here it is today:) Just has nothing to do with today's post.
Enjoy. Just ignore the talking. It was the first video i've done so we were trying to figure it out

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